Université de Lorraine

Université de Lorraine


  • Nom prénom : DOIGNON-CAMUS Nadège
  • Statut : Professeur
  • Email :
  • Université de rattachement : Université de Strasbourg
  • Equipe : Apprentissages, pratiques d’enseignement et d’éducation

section CNU: 
Axes et thématiques: 

Apprentissage de la lecture

Reconnaissance visuelle des mots


Psychologie de l'éducation

Liste des Publications: 

Articles dans des revues à comité de lecture

-Vazeux M, Le Nail P, Doignon-Camus N. (2023). Short report on a syllable-based intervention to improve phonemic awareness and reading in children with DLD. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 135/104455.

-Granjon, M., Doignon-Camus, N., Popa-Roch, M., & Rohmer, O. (2023). Neural empathic response to disability: An ERP study of prejudice. Biological Psychology, 177.

-Guo, T., Vazeux, M., Doignon-Camus, N., Bosse, M.-L., Mahé, G. and Zagar, D. (2023). Before Learning the Code: A Commentary on Sargiani, Ehri, and Maluf (RRQ, 2022). Reading Research Quarterly, 58(1), 103-112.

-Cheviet, A., Bonnefond, A., Bertrand, F., Maumy-Bertrand, M., Doignon-Camus, N. (2022). How visual attention span and phonological skills contribute to N170 print tuning: an EEG study in French dyslexic students. Brain & Language, 234.

-Rohmer, O., Doignon-Camus, N., Audusseau, J., Trautmann, S., Chaillou, A-C., Popa-Roch, M. (2022). Removing the academic framing in student evaluations improves achievement in children with dyslexia: The mediating role of self-judgement of competence. Dyslexia, 28(3), 309–324.

-Gavens, N., Doignon-Camus, N., Chaillou, A-C., Zeitler, A., & Popa-Roch, M. (2022). Effectiveness of mind mapping for learning in a real educational setting. The Journal of Experimental Education, 90(1), 46-55.

-Weiner, L., Guidi, A., Doignon-Camus, N., Giersch, A., Bertschy, G., & Vanello, N. (2021). Vocal features obtained through automated methods in verbal fluency tasks can aid the identification of mixed episodes in bipolar disorder. Translational Psychiatry, 11 (415).

-Granjon, M., Rohmer, O., Doignon-Camus, N., Popa-Roch, M., Pietrement, C., & Gavens, N. (2021). Neuropsychological functioning and estimated academic performance in children and adolescents with idiopathic juvenile arthritis. Pediatric Rheumatology, 19(53).

-Vazeux M, Doignon-Camus N, Bosse ML, Mahé G, Guo T, Zagar D. (2020) Syllable-first rather than letter-first to improve phonemic awareness. Scientific Reports, 10 (22130).

-Weiner L, Doignon-Camus N, Bertschy G, Giersch A. (2019). Thought and language disturbance in bipolar disorder quantified via process-oriented verbal fluency measures. Scientific Reports 9, 14282.

-Curzietti M, Chaillou AC, Bonnefond A, Vidailhet P, Doignon-Camus N (2018). Visual expertise for print in schizophrenia: Analysis of the N170 component. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 133, 111-119.

-Chaillou AC, Giersch A, Hoonakker M, Capa R, Doignon-Camus N, Pham BT, Bonnefond A (2018). Evidence of impaired proactive control under positive affect. Neuropsychologia, 114:110-117.

-Hoonakker M, Doignon-Camus N, Marques-Carneiro JE, Bonnefond A (2017). Sustained attention ability in schizophrenia: Investigation of conflict monitoring mechanisms. Clinical Neurophysiology, 128:1599-1607.

-Curzietti M, Bonnefond A, Staub B, Vidailhet P & Doignon-Camus N (2017). The effects of age on visual expertise for print. Brain & Language, 169:48-56.

-Hoonakker M, Doignon-Camus N, Bonnefond A (2016). Performance monitoring mechanisms activated before and after a response : A comparison of aware and unaware errors. Biological Psychology, 120:53-60.

-Staub B, Doignon-Camus N, Marques-Carneiro JE, Bacon E, Bonnefond A (2015) Age-related differences in the use of automatic and controlled processes in a situation of sustained attention. Neuropsychologia, 75:607-616.

-Doignon-Camus N, Zagar D, (2014). The syllabic bridge: the first step in learning spelling-to-sound correspondences. Journal of Child Language, 16:1-19.

-Mahé G, Bonnefond A, Doignon-Camus N, (2014). The time course of the syllable frequency effect in visual word recognition: evidence for both facilitatory and inhibitory effects in French. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 26(3).

-Mahé G, Doignon-Camus N, Dufour A, Bonnefond A, (2014). Conflict control processing in adults with developmental dyslexia: an event related potentials study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(1):69-76.

-Staub B, Doignon-Camus N, Bacon E, Bonnefond A (2014). The effects of aging on sustained attention ability: changes in ERPs related to inhibition and attentional resources. Psychology and Aging, 29(3), 684-695.

-Staub B, Doignon-Camus N, Bacon E, Bonnefond A (2014). Investigating sustained attention ability in the elderly by using two different approaches: inhibiting ongoing behavior versus responding on rare occasions. Acta Psychologica, 146, 51-57.

-Staub B., Doignon-Camus N., Bacon E., Bonnefond A. (2014). Age-related differences in the recruitment of proactive and reactive control in a situation of sustained attention. Biological psychology, 103, 38-47.

-Doignon-Camus N, Seigneuric A, Perrier E, Sisti A, Zagar D, (2013). Evidence for a preserved sensitivity to orthographic redundancy and an impaired access to phonological syllables in French developmental dyslexics. Annals of Dyslexia, 63(2):117-32.

-Mahé G, Bonnefond A, Doignon-Camus N, (2013). Is the impaired N170 print tuning specific to developmental dyslexia? A matched reading-level study with poor readers and dyslexics. Brain & Language, 127(3):539-44.

-Mathey S, Doignon-Camus N, Chetail F, (2013). Syllable priming with pseudowords in the lexical decision task. Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology, 67(3):205-14.

-Staub B, Doignon-Camus N, Després O, Bonnefond A (2013). Sustained attention in the elderly: what do we know and what does it tell us about cognitive aging? Ageing Research Review, 12(2):459-68.

-Mahé G, Bonnefond A, Gavens N, Dufour A, Doignon-Camus N, (2012). Impaired visual expertise for print in French adults with dyslexia as shown by N170 tuning. Neuropsychologia, 50(14):3200-6.

-Bonnefond A, Doignon-Camus N, Hoeft A, Dufour A (2011). Impact of motivation on cognitive control in the contexte of vigilance lowering: an ERP study. Brain and Cognition, 77:464-471.

-Bonnefond A, Doignon-Camus N, Touzalin-Chretien P, Dufour A (2010). Vigilance and intrinsic maintenance of alert state: an ERP study. Behavioural Brain Research, 211,185-190.

-Doignon-Camus N, Bonnefond A, Touzalin-Chretien P, & Dufour, A. (2009). Early perception of syllables in French visual word recognition: An event-related potential study. Brain and Language, 111, 55-60.

-Doignon-Camus N, Zagar D, Mathey S (2009). Can we see syllables in monosyllabic words? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 21(4), 599-614.

-Doignon N, Zagar, D (2006). Do children perceive printed syllable during learning to read?, Canadian Journal of Experimental Psychology? 60 (4), 258-274.

-Mathey S, Zagar D, Doignon N, Seigneuric, A (2006). Lexical similarity in visual word recognition: The effect of syllabic neighbourhood in French. Acta Psychologica, 123, 372-393.

-Doignon N,  Zagar D (2005). Illusory conjunctions in French: The nature of sublexical units in visual word recognition, Language and Cognitive Processes, 20 (3), 443-464.


Chapitres d’ouvrages

- Doignon-Camus N & Bonnefond A (in press). Visuo-orthographic processing in adults with dyslexia. In P Colé, L Duncan, E Cavalli. Dyslexia at University: Theoretical insights and practical solutions’. De Boeck Publishers.

- Doignon-Camus N & Bonnefond A (2020). Le traitement visuo-orthographique chez les adultes dyslexiques. In P Colé, L Duncan, E Cavalli. La dyslexie à l’âge adulte. Louvain-la-Neuve: De Boeck supérieur.

-Seigneuric A, Doignon-Camus N (2016). Le développement de la mémoire : Petite histoire du souvenir de la naissance à l’âge scolaire. In P. Mazet, J. Xavier, J-M Guilé, M. Plaza, D. Cohen, Troubles intellectuels et cognitifs de l’enfant et de l’adolescent : Penser, Connaître, Apprendre. Paris : Editions Lavoisier Flammarion Sciences.

-Gavens N, Doignon-Camus N, Zagar D (2014). Des dispositifs de recherche aux dispositifs d’évaluation de la lecture : outils, paradigmes et objectifs. In M-J. Gremmo et N. Poteaux, La médiation éducative entre dispositif et espace. Essai de conceptualisation. Paris : L’Harmattan. Coll. Pédagogie : crises, mémoires, repères (pp131-144)

-Doignon-Camus N, Zagar D (2009). Les enfants perçoivent-ils la syllabe à l’écrit ? Le modèle DIAMS. In N. Marec-Breton, A.S. Besse, F. de la Haye, N. Bonneton-Botte & E. Bonjour, L’apprentissage de la langue écrite, Approche cognitive (pp33-49). Presses Universitaires de Rennes.

-Doignon N (2007). L’apprentissage de la lecture. In J-Y. Baudouin, G. Tiberghien, Psychologie cognitive – Tome 1 : l’adulte. Editions Bréal, collection Lexifac Psychologie.

-Doignon N (2007). Les méthodes d’enseignement de la lecture. In J-Y. Baudouin, G Tiberghien, Psychologie cognitive – Tome 1 : l’adulte. Editions Bréal, collection Lexifac Psychologie.

-Jourdain C, Doignon N, Lété B, Zagar D (2003). Remédiation des difficultés de lecture par rétroaction verbale : expérimentation chez l’enfant. De l’illettrisme aujourd’hui : Apports de la recherche à la compréhension, CRDP Champagne-Ardenne.

-Jourdain C, Doignon N, Lété B, Zagar, D (2002). Remédiation des difficultés de lecture par rétroaction verbale chez des enfants de CE1. In Romdhane, M.N., Gombert, J.E. & Bellajouza (Eds), M. L’apprentissage de la lecture : Perspective comparative interlangue, Rennes : Presses Universitaires de Rennes.